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What are the requirements for a venue to be listed on ZenBooking?

ZenBooking welcomes any venue with sufficient space to host a retreat activity. Our extensive range of retreat categories allows you to choose the most suitable one for your venue. However, there are some minimum requirements that your venue must meet.

Firstly, your venue should have a minimum capacity of 10 guests to ensure that it can accommodate a decent-sized retreat group. Secondly, the venue can be any property type, including vacation villas, retreat centres, chalets, chateaus, or holiday resorts.
For instance, if you select the yoga category, your venue must have a yoga studio or a large enough space to hold yoga sessions, such as an outdoor yoga deck. Similarly, the venue should have a spacious and well-equipped kitchen for culinary and cooking retreats.

We provide sufficient space for you to provide detailed information about each category you choose for your venue. This ensures that clients searching for a specific type of retreat will find all the necessary information about your venue.

Overall, as long as your venue meets our minimum requirements and has the necessary amenities to support the retreat activity, you can publish it on Zen Booking and reach a broader audience of retreat organisers and event planners.

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